Please note our GP practices will be closed on January 1st 2025 for New Years Day.

Please note our practices are currently experiencing an internet outage. There may be a delay in us answering your request.



Order Medication

Each practice allows their patients to order their repeats online, saving the need to do this by bringing your repeat slip to the dispensary.

Use the NHS App, to order repeat prescriptions, view your medical record and more. No need to contact the surgery to register just download the app or access the website here.

Armid UK App

Use the Armid UK App, to access SystmOnline in their handy mobile app.

  • Please remember to tell us which chemist you wish to collect your medicines from.

  • Allow 72 (working) hours notice, before you collect your medicines from the chemist.

  • Please do not telephone for repeat prescriptions unless you are housebound.

  •  We usually give a 28 day supply of most medications. Medication should only be used by the patient to whom it has been prescribed.  If it is not used then it cannot be given to another patient.

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

We offer the Electronic Prescription Service, so if you nominate a pharmacy, your GP will send all future prescriptions electronically to your preferred pharmacy. You can then go directly to your preferred pharmacy to pick up the prescription.

If you would like to take advantage of this service you can complete a nomination form and take this to your pharmacy. You can also ask your pharmacy to set up your nomination. You can also get a nomination form from our reception team.

This will not affect the way that you order / request prescriptions.

Benefits for you

If you get a repeat prescription, you will not have to spend your time going to your GP practice each time to pick up your paper prescription. Instead your GP will send it automatically to the place you choose, with less chance of it getting lost.

Nearly all pharmacies will be connected to the service, so you will be able to get your medicines from any pharmacy you choose – whether it’s near home, work or the shops.

You may not have to wait as long for your prescription items, as often there will be time to get your repeat prescription items ready before you arrive. If any of the medicines on your prescription are out of stock when the pharmacist receives your prescription, they can be ordered in ready for you.

What happens if I do not wish to use the service?

Nothing – you will continue to get paper prescriptions as you do now.

At Suffolk Primary Care, patient safety is our priority. Our Lost Medications & Controlled Drugs Protocol provides clear guidance on the safe prescribing and management of controlled drugs. This protocol reduces risks associated with misuse, addiction, or harm. We encourage all patients to familiarise themselves with these procedures.

For full details, read the protocol here.

Patients of Oakfield Surgery should be advised that they have the right to take their prescriptions to any pharmacy of their choosing.

Since 2019, Oakfield Surgery GP, Dr. Rayner, has been the co-owner and Director of the Newmarket-based online pharmacy Pharmacy2go.

Staff at Oakfield Surgery would not seek to influence patients’ choice of pharmacy services in any way. Those who would rather use another pharmacy that is more convenient should continue to do so.